Gun Raffle Tickets on Sale Now!
This is an annual Lodge 88 fundraiser. Tickets are $20 each. Only 600 tickets will be...
This is an annual Lodge 88 fundraiser. Tickets are $20 each. Only 600 tickets will be...
Topics: Cops and Kids Christmas, Gun Raffle ticket sales, upcoming elections for Lodge 88 officers. For meeting location, check the FOP App or contact any Johnston […]
One drawing per day.
Topics: Gun Raffle tickets and first drawing; Cops and Kids Christmas
Topics: Elections will be held for new officers for the 2022-2024 term. More about decals to go on our utility trailer. Please mark your calendar and […]
Changed from June 7 to June 15. Location is not on Powell Drive. Turn onto dirt path across from Powell Drive.
Location is not on Powell Drive. Turn onto dirt path across from Powell Drive.
Planning for upcoming Cops and Kids Christmas event