On June 21, 1990, the North Carolina State Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police created what is now known as the North Carolina State Lodge Death Benefit Program. The State Lodge provides a Death Benefit for every qualified member in good standing. A listing of such members will be maintained in the State Lodge Office.
A basic benefit of $3,000 will be paid for a death by natural causes. An additional benefit of $3,000 in the event of an accidental death and another $3,000 in the event of line of duty death. i.e.: Natural -$3,000; Accidental – $6,000; Line of Duty – $9,000.
Military personnel assigned to law enforcement duties are covered under the natural and accidental portions of the coverage. Should a line of duty death occur, the State Lodge would pay that portion of the coverage only if the death was related to the law enforcement function. The line of duty benefit will not be paid if the death occurred either in a combat situation or any military situation not related to the law enforcement function.
This State Lodge Death Benefit program will continue in effect so long and until such time as the North Carolina State Lodge Board of directors decides not to continue this program, and/or modify or effect changes to the program. It is unequivocally and expressly understood that the status of membership does not imply any guarantee or expectation of any continued rights under this program if the Lodge decides to discontinue this program at whatever time or for whatever reason.